

ヘイウッド家親子は牧場で馬を調教し、映画やテレビ撮影のために貸し出している。ある日、父であるオーティス・ヘイウッド・シニアは、飛行機から落ちたと思われるコインが顔面に当たって死亡。彼の子供たちオーティス・ヘイウッド・ジュニア(OJ) と、妹のエメラルド・ヘイウッド(エム)が牧場を受け継いだ。 

OJは牧場を維持するため、馬の一部を、近くで「ジュピターズ・クレーム」というウエスタン・テーマパークを経営しているリッキー・”ジュピ “・パークに売っていた。ジュピは過去に、チンパンジーの動物俳優が人間の共演者たちを襲ったシットコム番組で子役として活躍していたことも、このテーマパークで利用している。 







The Heywoods train horses on the ranch and rent them out for film and television shoots. One day, his father, Otis Haywood Sr., was killed in a face collision with a coin that was thought to have fallen from an airplane. Otis Heywood Jr. (OJ) and his sister Emerald Heywood (EM) inherited the ranch.

To keep the ranch alive, OJ had sold some of his horses to Ricky “Jupi” Park, who ran a nearby western theme park called “Jupiter’s Claim.” Jupi has also used her previous career as a child star in a sitcom show in which chimpanzee actors attacked human cast members.

One night, the Haywoods find that all electronics are disabled and the horses are reacting to unknown presences. He takes him away and finds him vomiting the inorganic shards that caused his father’s death. He asks Angel employee Torres to install a surveillance camera that reflects the sky. There were two surveillance cameras, and even if one didn’t respond, the other one would act as a backup, but when his UFO-like thing appeared, the mantis was also captured on the backup camera. As a result, it ends without being able to obtain a clear image. , notices the existence of “clouds that never move” in the video and deduces that it is the hiding place of the UFO.

Jupi, who seems to have witnessed UFOs for a long time, plans to lure the UFOs to the audience using Lucky, the horse he bought from OJ, as a new show at Jupiter’s Claim. In the end, he sucked up Jupi and all the audience and ate them up. At that time, he saw a UFO up close, and deduced that it was not a spaceship, but a predatory and territorial creature that would eat anything that looked directly at it. A UFO swooped into the sky above the Heywood house, vomiting up the blood of the people it ate and the ornaments it had made on top of the house.

OJ believes that in a similar way to training horses, you can influence the behavior of UFOs and film them without being killed. The Heywoods named the creature “Gee Jean” after their childhood horse, and enlisted cinematographer Antlers Holst.

Holst takes a hand-cranked IMAX film camera and shoots footage with Angel to avoid affecting the Ji Jean electronics. Guess its location in the sky on Gee Janstop and plan for OJ to pull out on horseback. , While begging for a photo shoot of OJ Niscoop who came to help, it is eaten and killed by Gee Jean. Holst was able to capture footage of Ji Jiang at this time, but he insisted on taking a “miraculous shot” and jumped out with the camera and was eaten. Prevent it and save your life. This stimulus transforms the previously circular Ji Jiang into a giant jellyfish-like figure.

Zi Jiang, who has become violent, also sucks up the hut where Em is hiding and destroys it. Em barely escaped, but OJ urged him to escape on the bike he had stopped. M taunts Gee Jiang. He fled to Jupiter’s Claim, and threw a large helium balloon mascot doll that had been tied into the air. And then the helium exploded inside his body, and they exploded together.

M captured this scene with a well-shaped Polaroid camera installed at the theme park. After that, a large number of the media rushed to see his brother and Ji Jiang, who were safe.

